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David Jacobstein

Thanks for re-engaging on this topic Matt.

To betray my own normative biases, I worry that some of your output measures (minority participation in boards, e.g.) would lend themselves to signaling and to quotas. I would reallocate the composition of participation to an outcome measure, and focus output measures more on the pathways or channels for participation being viewed as available by broad and diverse swathes of people. This might also turn attention toward some process indicators of participation, which has its own signaling issues unless it is triangulated with survey data - less the existence of participatory mechanisms than the sense of participation.

I also think that joint consultation over problems and consensus-building processes are major achievements, especially in more fragile or cleaved societies, and would suggest that the notion of change in consensus (around challenges/problems and around who is "in" in the state) might suggest other indicators.

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