Doing problem tree analyses in just 20 minutes led to detailed perspectives on the complex challenges african health sectors faced. Maternal mortality rates of nearly 500 in some countries.
Here are some of the presenters in photos and some comments. Note the complexity of some of these charts. Amazingly many of the countries have been sold simple solutions. When the teams go one or two steps into their exercises they find quickly that politics is everywhere, real capacity constraints are everywhere, and simple solutions just don't fit that easily.
"The problem is that hospital staff is insufficient to the task"
"You'll wait a long time for a doctor who isn't there"
"If they are there they don't do what they should pregnant women don't get blood pressure taken etc."
"We must look for opportunities to do more with what we have"
"Four pages of causes and their causes helps us see the problem better."
"Once you identify the problem you start to think about where to intervene and what to do there. Where can we act with the resources we have, now."