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Natalia Adler

Hi Matt,

Great to see your very first post in 2014 focusing on issues related to child rights! ;-)

While I agree with all the points raised, I wonder if it's time to move beyond governments when talking about governance goals/outcomes... Take birth registration as an example. In many countries, this used to be done by churches as pre-requisites for baptism (I believe this is still the case in some countries). The motivation for parents to register their children was very compelling. In Nicaragua, we're trying to experiment with "delegation" of birth registration services to different actors (including religious leaders and midwives), particularly in remote communities.

This also helps with a challenge in implementation: the difference between service availability and use. Many governments rely on making birth registration services available and their responsibility often stops there. It's like providing a fountain and waiting until people are thirsty to drink the water.

I think there's a lot to learn from different stakeholders in creating incentives and making public services attractive to people by amplifying the authorizing environment to achieve societal goals and co-sharing responsibilities. The private sector has long thrived on this concept. I think we can gain a lot from using human centered design techniques to ensure actual implementation in a broader framework of actors.

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